About Soroptimist of Zanesville

Soroptimist is an international organization for business and professional women who work to improve the lives of women and girls, in local communities and throughout the world. Over 80,000 Soroptimists in about 120 countries and territories volunteer time and contribute financial support to community–based and international projects that benefit women and girls.

The name, Soroptimist, means "best for women," and that's what the organization strives to achieve. Soroptimists are women at their best, working to help other women to be their best.

Soroptimist members belong to local clubs, which determine the focus of volunteer work to their communities. Club projects range from renovating domestic violence shelters and providing mammograms to low-income women, to sponsoring self-esteem workshops for teenage girls. In addition, Soroptimists participate in organization-wide programs including the Soroptimist Club Grants for Women and Girls, the Soroptimist Workplace Campaign to End Domestic Violence and Soroptimists STOP Trafficking.

Soroptimist also sponsors , an online community empowering offline volunteer action. The self-motivated network is made up of people who wish to support women and girls in their quest to lead better lives, while gaining inspiration in their own lives. Members of the free online community work on topics such as women’s economic empowerment, ending violence against women, human trafficking, and more. They also have access to inspirational articles, tips, and blogs that can help them live their own personal dreams.


I pledge allegiance to Soroptimist
and to the ideals for which it stands:
The Sincerity of Friendship
The Joy of Achievement
The Dignity of Service
The Integrity of Profession
The Love of Country
I will put forth my greatest effort
to promote, uphold and defend these ideals,
for a larger fellowship in home, in society, in business
For Country and for God.


In 1921 the first Soroptimist Club was organized in Oakland, California, followed in 1923 and 1924 by a greater London club as the first European Club and then Paris. Currently Clubs are organized in all continents except Anarctica and Australia.

April 29, 1941- Zanesville’s first classified service club for women, Soroptimist Club of Zanesville was organized and led by President Dr. Hazel Lyne with 17 members.

1942- Collaborated with the Zanesville Board of Education to embark on a dental health care & education program for students of Zanesville City Schools, a program that has evolved and expanded to the current Mobile Dental Unit

1971- Soroptimist of Zanesville contributed to local Mental Health projects & Crisis Hotline.

1975- Local Zanesville Soroptimist Club changed to Soroptimist International of Zanesville

1986- Started new project- Operation Latchkey, a program for children of working parents

1999- Pledged $30,000 to assist Zanesville City Schools with purchase of new dental trailor

2000- Initiated a new service project to upgrade school libraries

2001- Celebrated 60th Anniversary of Soroptimist International of Zanesville

2005- Initiated the annual room renovation project at Transitions, a local family shelter for women and children of domestic violence.

2009- Partnered with Zane State College technology classes to launch the Soroptimist Internaitonal of Zanesville (SIZ) website.

2010- Initiaed partnership with Cindy Brandi's Summer Camp for Teen Girls S.T.A.R.S. which stands for Sensitivity, Tolerance, Attitude, Responsibility, Self-Esteem.

2011- Hosted Soroptimist IV District meeting and a 70th Year Anniversary Celebration and partnered with Zane State College to hold a Teen Dating Violence Awareness speaker.


Soroptimist of Zanesville Officers & Board

2016 Board Members

2016 Board Members

2016 Board Members

Spirit of Soroptimist

Spirit of Soroptimist Award Winner Donna Snider

2021 Spirit of Soroptimist awardee Donna Snider

“Spirit of Soroptimist “ Award recipients are professional, service oriented women who volunteer time, talents, and leadership to support Soroptimist programs, projects and events.

President Lynn McGlade

Lynn McGlade

Installation of President Lynn McGlade

New Members

New Members

Installation of two new members into the Soroptimist Zanesville branch.

Installation Meeting Photos

Installation Meeting Photo 1

Installation Meeting Photo 2

Table of Members

Table of Members

Community Partnerships

Zanesville/Muskingum Chamber of Commerce

ACES Awards

2011- Transitions Renovations
2012- Zanesville City Schools Dental Program
2015- Local distribution of $2250 in Educational Grants & Scholarships

Genesis Spirit of Women Events

Spirit of Pink
Girls’ Night Out
Day of Dance

Amy, Linda, Molly, Lynne

Community Partnerships

Zane State College

Co -sponsored Teen Dating Violence Awareness Event

Co- sponsored Human Trafficking Awareness Event

(Photo- Cindy and Theresa Flores)

Women Awarded Soroptimist Scholarships at Scholarship Breakfast


Soroptimist of Zanesville
District IV
P.O. Box 853
Zanesville, OH 43701
Organized April 29, 1941
Club# 105415


First Thursday of
Each Month
Board Mtg: 4:45 p.m.
Dinner: 6:00 p.m.
Program: 6:30 p.m.
Business Mtg: 7:00 p.m.
Current meeting info can be found on our Facebook page.